Thursday, March 15

February CQJP

The February CQJP. Hearts - a predictable element because Valentine's day is in February. I crocheted the white little hearts. Got the patterns online - the little hearts were made following a great tutorial found here.  and the pattern for the bigger heart can be found here

Here's what happened in February.Clearly got carried away with the chain stitch which was one of the stitches for TAST in February.
Pic to give you an idea of how the Crazy quilt block and journal part are oriented. 
I wanted to embroider a Valentine quote on the Crazy Quilt block and this one by Schultz was perfect.
'All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt'. 
Have a wonderful weekend. 


jenclair said...

I love the embroidered "journal" of events you've created with your CQJP block!

Trillian As said...

A wonderful piece of fabric. There are really a million little stitches on your journal.

Ursula Romero said...

I love this. It's like a tie capsule, but really very beautiful. There is so much care and attention to detail. I love your work, it's a joy to look at.

pumpernickel said...

OMG, that's absolutely marvellous. A real piece of art. Would love to see it for real.
