All this month we've been on the road and this past weekend we were on jungle roads in the B.R. Hills ( Biligiri Ranganna Hills). Roads must be on my mind because I've taken more pictures of the jungle track when on safari than anything else.

Its sunny one moment and pouring cats and dogs the next. It was noon when the picture above was taken. The mist was so dense we couldn't see a thing beyond fifty metres.

Dirt tracks criss cross the jungle. Everybody silent, scanning the undergrowth, branches and canopy for birds and animals. Will we spot a tiger, sloth bear or leopard? That's the question on everybody's mind.

Alarm calls alert us to the presence of a predator close at hand.Everybody on the look out, until a leopard is spotted draped gracefully on the branch of a tree. The first leopard R and I have seen in the wild.It was a great weekend.Hope you're having a good week.
To see some magnificent pictures of the above mentioned leopard click here