There are a number of groups individual members have created to explore specific aspects of the textile practise - cloth dolls, japanese embroidery,feltmaking etc etc. I've joined the Take a Stitch on Tuesday and the Fiber Book groups as well as the Hand Embroidery group. Its tempting to join a number of other groups but that would be a case of biting off more than I can chew.
In an attempt to do justice to the groups I've joined I'm creating a fiber book of the stitches I'm creating for the Take a Stitch on Tuesday. Killing two birds with one stone is the only way I'll keep up.
The stitch to explore for week 1 was Herringbone Stitch.

Working on the pages for Herringbone Stich and Buttonhole Stitch I decided to explore the creation of flowers with each stitch and I'm pleased with the results. Every stitch may not lend itself to create a floral motif but that will be my personal challenge so lets see what I can come up with each week.
Oh this looks beautiful! And its so obvious you are having so much fun :) I especially love the many thins you have done with the buttonhole stitch :)
Great work on this, absolutely lovely. This will be quite the keepsake to look at and see all the different stitches.
Nice to see you here vineeta, I've accepted your invitation on flickr and added you as a contact.Made me visit my rather neglected flickr and do some much needed updating.Thanks for the comment, with the buttonhole stitch the creative juices have begun to flow - that obvious huh?
Hi Jane , 'm so glad I got a chance at TAST missed the original one last year which Sharon had. Stitchin Fingers is quite a happening place wouldn't you say, tough to keep up with all the creativity.Appreciate the comment, thank-you.
These are really beautiful. What a lot of work must go into them each. I love the way you've done them.
Hi there Kate,This is my chance to get a stitch sampler made and I'm enjoying creating a page for each stitch.Thanks for visiting.
Hi! Your work is admirable!!! I saw the first two pages of you fiber book at the stitching fingers photo page. I'm interested in recovering my passion for felt (that was my first approach to crafts).
Well, just wanted to let you know your work is beautiful, I can picture a tote beg embellished like this! ;o)
Hi there Sandra, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment for me. I've discovered working on TASTthat it becomes a ready reference for the embroidery I do on scarves - now there'll be more variety.
I wanted to let you know I spent some time just delighting in these two pages of stitches
Sharon thanks for taking the time to view my work, needless to say your work is a great source of inspiration for me.
O, smart you! Love the idea of a page for each stitch and then assembling them into a book :- )
This year is fast becoming the year of the book for me - making a book of my TIF pieces, now the TAST book and I have the Little red Book project too which began last year.Thanks Sue for visiting.
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