Tuesday, April 28

Little Red Book Revisited

It's been a while since the Little Red Book was featured. A variety of pages have been completed and I'm pleased to report the Red Book literally bulges and bursts with creativity. Yes, I voted.

Beer and Biryani work well together and these two pages go to prove no opportunity to binge on the duo has been passed up.

The Black Add Gel pen is a must have.
Pigeons roost in the buildings of the apartment complex and I collect feathers on my morning walks.
That's cross -stitch. I must show you the progess I've made with the heart sampler.
Exploring negative and positive. There is a negative which I must show you.

If you are new to the Little Red Book concept then read more about this wonderful collaborative project here and here.
For more eye candy there is a little slide show of pages from the Little Red Book on the side bar of my blog and one on The Plum Tree too.
Then there is the Red Book Exchange which is an integral part of the artistic process which Priya faithfully documents and posts from time to time. It involves food, now if that whets your appetite you can get a peek of the ritual here and here.


Chris Daly said...

Maya, I love your little red book! Both your thoughts and embellishments shine!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thanks Chris.

Faith said...

I like your little red book - what an interesting idea! :) I absolutely agree, we should celebrate each others diversity as we are all human. Sending you many happy stitches! --- :) --- :) --- p.s. sorry if this post is repeated i am having trouble signing into wordpress and so will do it this way instead!

Malissa said...

How wonderful! When I was in grad school, I coordinated a huge journal exchange with 20 other students for one year. The results were so awesome that I presented it at the national art therapy conference that year. I know how great this kind of project can be, and I LOVE the images from yours. Looks beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

Anaka said...

The sketch with the add gel pen- I love that? I should contact you to create a screen print for me...

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Faith thanks for coming by and for all the happy stitches.Don't worry your comment didn't get repeated.

Mal co-ordinating a journal exchange with 20 others could have earned you a doctorate in logistics but I'm sure the awesome results must have made some life changing impressions on everyone involved and with all who came into contact with the project.Is any of it on the web?

Anaka I'd love to design a print for you.Thanks for visiting.

Anaka said...

Send me an email at anaka@brasstacksmadras.com so we can talk about designing a print? Thank you!

indian yarn said...

this book needs a song and a dance celebration - for the creators and the creation

ArtPropelled said...

A feast for the Eyes!!! I have been pouring over these pages, relishing all the little details. Flight path of the hummingbird is soooo amazing!The jacobean design with gel pen is gorgeous too.
