For evidence view the pix below.
A couples of stitches before the finish.
Ta-dah! The January TIF complete.
The little bit of paper with my mother's handwriting - I tore it out from a recipe for Cauliflower and Cheese. Along with being very creative with sewing and needlework, my mother is a wonderful and resourceful cook.

I really enjoyed creating these pages. Now I'm waiting for 1st Feb. I'll begin compiling and creating the book once I have the "pages" for February and March done.
very pretty maya. looks most intriguing.
Thanks, Priya. About the pics not enlarging when you click on them I have no clue - could it be a temporary thing? I'll show you the piece the next time we meet.
Wow, this is fantastic. I bet the textures in it make it just gorgeous in real life! What a great way to honour your mother and her love of gardening - she will be thrilled.
(ps - didn't India do well against Australia in the cricket!)
Jocelyn in NZ
Very nice Maya - I like the way you incorporated your mothers recipe
Your piece turned out quite lovely!
Your piece turned out beautifully! I like the piece of your mother's handwriting. Wonderful job.
thank-you Jocelyn,I must say it is quite a jewel ( even though I'm saying so myself),the colour palette was not very inspiring to begin with but its worked out very well. Yes, the cricket for India against Australia was good, i'm not terribly into cricket except when the World Cup or such like rolls around then the super charged
atmosphere gets to me, R my husband is a die hard cricket fanatic.
Thanks for viewing the jan TIF Paula.I'll have to ask my mother to rewrite that recipe for me.
Thank-you Ruth
Hand written things are becoming very precious to me there's something so personal,don't get me wrong I love what the net and email has done but letters and things which are handwritten I hoard. Thank-you Tanguera.
Love your Jan TIF, so creative.
Thanks for stopping by my blog also.
Very nice piece! I like it a lot.
Thank-you Meg in Albuquerque and Sue in Western Washington for taking a look at my Jan TIF, I do appreciate your comments
Hi Maya, What a wonderful job you have done on the January TIF challenge. I love your stitchery - the embroidered paper is a beautiful touch. It is a lovely tribute to your mum and her gardening!
I love the idea of embroidering recipes - your Molaga Podi recipe looks great embroidered.
Gorgeous composition, excellent palette and its got me inspired to think about leaving some "breathing space" (i.e. not stitching the whole thing) in my next piece. Thanks for your comments on my blog. Susaneta.
Thanks Kate glad you liked the idea of embroidered recipes.
I love your TIF project, Maya! Crazy quilting can be so much more than a block and I love your concept and where you went with it. Thank you so much for sharing the process and I'm really looking forward to watching this through the months ahead! I really enjoyed looking through your posts....
Thank - you Jane for visitng and taking the time to read my blog - as a new blogger comments all so encouraging have certainly made many a day.The challenge too is another first and the best thing about it is that I feel I have an informal group of new friends.
Maya, everything about your January TIF is fantastic! I love your idea of turning the monthly pieces into a book.
Your stitches are beautiful and the tribute to your mother is wonderful. So much color and thought went into this project! Love the attached glass and the stitched edging on your mother's recipe.
Like you, I am already anxious for our February assignment!
Thank-you Lynns, If you read all that in the TIF for Jan then I think I've achieved paying tribute to my mother.
This turned out very nice. I love all the tiny stitching around the edges. Very nice work but also a nice composition. Wonderful tribute to your mother.
I'm not quite done with mine and now I am thinking about February's.
I absolutely love own gardening certainly reflects my crazy quilting..or maybe it is the other way around.
I am wondering, why the sea glass? I grew up calling it "lucky glass" (because it won't cut you). It looks great there, just am curious as to its significance to this piece...
Hi Allie,
The sea glass is to symbolise my mum's love for jewellery, beads and her fantastic sense of style.
Wow, this is beautiful and you have inspired me to give it a go. Can I please ask what fabric you use to stitch on to (what is the base fabric). I've never seen anything like this before.
Oh my goodness Maya. I just ran onto this on Pinterest and my heart is in my throat! This is just amazing!
I just recently took my embroidery back up and I'm in the process of repairing a quilt that my grandmother made from her old rayon dresses. She made it before I was born (66 years ago) and some of the seams have weakened and some of the squares are beginning to disintegrate. It's a tied quilt and parts of the backing are starting to rot also so I'm stitching all the way through on every seam to reinforce it and taking out the ties as I progress. When it's finished I'm going to put on a new backing with a self binding and retie all of the intersections. It's quite an undertaking but a labor of love. This is the quilt that is always at my chair even when it's hot it's nearby on the ottoman. I wish I could show you the before and after. Unfortunately, the after is many months down the road.
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