Tuesday, December 23
Friday, December 19
Did you know ?
I thought this one was real cool. came by it at Monster Munch. One more fact - this is my 100th post. Woohoo!!!
Thursday, December 18
Another post about ATC's
One such was the world of ATC's and the first opportunity to participate was Cyber Fyber .
Susan Lenz is a fiber artist and the brain behind the Cyber Fyber exhibition - an intenational event which focuses on the influence of internet access for fiber artists today.
I exchanged a postcard and an ATC with Susan. See them here. Susan has videos of the ATC's and postcards she has recieved if you'd like to see how varied they can be.
On Stitchin Fingers I joined the Fiber ATC group and did a couple of swaps, adding to my modest but growing collection of fiber ATC's.
Here's one I swapped with Anna. in the UK. I call this one "My Hippy Heart".

Now if you'd like to get started and trade ATC's there's The International Random ATC Swap which is a part of the Cyber Fyber event. Read about it here.
Friday, December 12
November - TIF

This is the little sampler embroidered on the page on the right. Its all of 4 inches x 6 inches.
I'd hoped to be efficient and have the challenge completed by the end of the year but life in general does have other plans as we all know. So, the challenge for December will be tackled in January and The Take it Further book will be completed early in 2009 and featured right here. I hope you'll keep visiting though.
I'm going to be putting up our Christmas tree this weekend, very exciting considering its done every alternate year and I have some new ornaments to put on the tree. Have a great weekend.
Monday, December 8
TAST - Palestrina Stitch

Is that picture a bit blurry? Probably going cross eyed finishing up some last minute cross stitch X'mas tree ornaments. The pictures of said ornaments will be spectacular I promise once I decorate the tree this coming weekend.
I'm going to put TAST on the back burner until February which will mean close to twelve stitches to catch up with but there are projects with deadlines looming large on the horizon.It's a decision I've had to make if I have to retain my sanity!
Thursday, November 27
X'mas tree Ornaments

I'm making a couple of ornaments for the tree, I like to add one or two to my collection each year and I'm making a few to send to my sister in Hong Kong.
Other bloggers are busy making ornaments too, some have been making them through the year in stitch alongs and ornament swaps.
Here are some links to blogs which have freebie or complementary charts you can follow to make tree ornaments for your personal use.
Monday, November 24
ATC's and an Award.
I've recieved some ATC's in the post. So let me show you.

Thank-you Anna and Gina for taking my ATC collection to 3.

Thursday, November 20
TAST - Oyster Stitch

Thursday, November 13
Sep - TIF

The pages for the September TIF. I've followed the suggested colour palette.
The challenge for September was Lists. Lists....hmm..... gave it much thought and couldn't come up with anything all through September probably because I'm not a lists person.I have a diary and make notes in it - when the utilities have to be paid, birthdays, appointments and I stick in movie tickets , write short recipes that sort of thing but lists I don't make lists.
So in departing from the tradition of the TIF's done in previous months where I stuck to both theme and colour palette I've gone with the colour palette and created two compositions. I won't call them representations of the given theme, just compositions where I had great fun going wild with herringbone stitch.

Friday, November 7
Recording history in the Little Red Book

Barack Obama holds out hope for all the world's sidelined. For he has proved with conviction that nothing - neither skin nor suppression nor two centuries of vicious hatred - can stop a man from taking the centre stage of history. Yes, we can .... we all can."
- The Economic Times. 6th November 2008.
Have a good weekend.I'm going to be watching Quantum of Solace, the new Bond film.
Tuesday, November 4
October TIF

Tuesday, October 28
Wednesday, October 22
Monsoon Moodiness

The visual is from the Little Red Book a visual representation of the monsoon .See more visuals of this project here.
Monday, October 20
Monday, October 13
7 Little known Facts
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Ok now for the seven random or weird facts about myself .
1. I'm left handed. ( how cool is that - I've been told by many people)
2. I'm allergic to ice.( weird or what)
3. I don't have just one sweet tooth but 32.
4.I have a white(platinum?) streak in my hair - its natural and most people don't believe its natural.I make bets with myself when I meet someone for the first time that they will find a way to ask me straight after they compliment me on how striking it is and then look in disbelief when I say its natural.
5. I'm thinking of starting an Etsy shop ( have I said that a hundred times already?)
6.I hate being hot and sweaty
7.I love simple things designed and made beautifully with the greatest attention to detail.Kitsch things and those which are over the top are equally interesting to me.( Let's just say my taste is eclectic , I'm clarifying for all of you who think I'm fickle and undecided)
At the end of this exercise one of two things can happen - my little tribe of four who follow my blog will increase by leaps and bounds or there will be no one who can handle this degree of weirdness.
Now to tag 7 people and let them know.
Paddy's Daughter , Art Propelled , The Plum Tree , Arth and Nitya , Serendipity , ArtnLight and Greetings from the Shady Grove
Friday, October 10
TAST - Knotted Cretan
Monday, October 6
I've been slaving over this sheer cotton silk scarf for the past two or is it three weeks, trying to populate it with random lines of cretan stitch to produce an overgrown effect. Its getting there.
The square patches are tussar silk appliqued onto the cotton silk with running stitch.
Saturday, October 4
EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.
Wednesday, October 1
"Mantles of Myth-Narratives in Indian Textiles"
"Siyahi's Translating Bharat comes forward with yet another endeavor to understand, explore and discover Indian literature. We are focusing on the origins of myths and stories that laid the founding stones of its history. These myths and stories have been transformed into oral traditions, bards, songs, rituals, creative works, performing arts and textiles.
Indian textile style has evolved with the development of civilization and its significance is hallowed by traditions. According to the Rig Veda and the Upanishads, the universe is a continuous fabric with a grid pattern upon which cycles of life are painted. In the Atharva Veda, day and night are said to spread light and darkness over the earth as weavers throw a shuttle on the loom.
Textiles with narratives are seen across the country and their range varies from painted and printed textiles to woven and embroidered pieces. These textiles tell us multiple stories and represent myths sacred to indigenous communities across the country. Many have religious and ritual value in the cultures they come from whereas others are folk and tribal textiles that carry narratives of their origins and legends of their ancestors and gods.These textiles remind us of the riches of material culture in traditional communities and the wealth of accumulated knowledge which is generally ignored. They augment the existing rich verbal and oral literary traditions that record and map cultures. Understanding and translating these is a key element of the Translating Bharat Project. An understanding of the real India is possible only by fathoming its multiple histories in myriad tongues and forms.
Mantles of Myth will be a three day conference wherein textile experts, writers, poets, musicians, performers, narrators, will bring together the diverse riches and variegated forms of story telling.
This conference will provide a forum for discussions, debate and interaction to focus on how essential and integral it is for us to protect and preserve our folk lore, literary traditions and the colors and threads of our culture."
From 13th - 15th December in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Read more about this three day event here.
Thursday, September 25
TAST - Couching
I've couched down foil from a bar of chocolate, curly bits of plastic ribbon from a bouquet, acrylic wool and tussar silk.

Friday, September 19
TAST - Up & Down Buttonhole Stitch

Have some catching up to do with TAST and TIF but for the next four days we're taking a break and going up to the hills. So see you all mid week next week and have a good weekend.
Thursday, September 18
Sequential Design - The Invisible Woman
I came across The Invisible Woman on Jude's blog who does extremely thought provoking and inspiring work.
This should keep you on the net for hours.Like you need an excuse!!!
Wednesday, September 17
The two sides of Fall

Thursday, September 11

Squares cut from the cardboard of cereal and museli boxes make for the foundation onto which I tack the tussar silk.
The squares get laid out on the floor and I play around with the arrangement until I'm happy with the composition then they get stitched together.The cardboard foundation comes out at a later date. The scarf gets pieced together in sections.
I'm making this one like all my other patchwork scarves like a tube and this one will have slightly different colours on the other half. Colours which are a touch lighter. The finished scarf will be 60 inches x 3 inches.
Tuesday, September 9
Call of the Wild

Friday, September 5
TAST - Barred Chain & Alternating Barred Chain

Wednesday, September 3

Saturday, August 30
August TIF

I think one is constantly challenged by the need to balance things and there are no formulas.
In my explorations this month I've represented the fact that images which are symmetrical like the form on the right hand page are more easily balanced and symmetry is what we gravitate towards whereas asymmetry balance is more difficult to achieve- the image on the left hand page is an attempt at achieving asymmetrical balance.
Thursday, August 28
Retail Therapy of the Crafty kind

Working on various projects had me cooped up in the house for too long and I needed a change of surroundings to simply chill out for a bit and the Dastkar Nature Bazaar provided just that.
A society for crafts and craftspeople Dastkar is a registered society that aims at improving the economic status of craftspeople, thereby promoting the survival of traditional crafts. It was founded in 1981 by six women, who had worked in the craft and development sector.
Some of what caught my eye.

Dried gourds as lampshades. Quite pretty when lit up.

Monday, August 25
The Idan Raichel Project "Out of the Depths" & Architecture in Helsinki - Like it or Not
Thank-you Sophie for the youtube link.Wonderful music to start the week with.Wonder what the effect of such soulful music will have on my work?
Architecture in Helsinki - Like It Or Not from helsinkids on Vimeo.
Now this one is more relevant to my blog - visually speaking.Came across it on Tonya's blog and like she suggests I turned down the volume to mute because Architecture in Helsinki by Helsinkids is not my type of music but the animated embroidery is fantastic.
Friday, August 22
Lambanification of the Biscornu
I got some pictures a couple of days back so I thought I'd share them with you.(Yeah, yeah I know its August).

That's a decorative hanging. Decorated with tassels and cowrie shells, so typical of Lambani embroidery.