Monday, January 7

Take It Further Challenge - January

We got back from our New Year party at 3am and I just couldn't resist logging on and checking out the Take it Further Challenge for January. With the time difference between Australia and
India I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. I wasn't and what a fantastic way to start 2008!
I was initially drawn to the colour scheme but mulling over the concept I've finally decided to incorporate both into my piece for January.
The person I admire is my mother and the colour scheme works well because she's a Picean.
I plan to work in a 4"x 6' format.The idea is to create two pages ( like a double spread in a magazine) for each month. I'll make the twelve pages into a little book by the end of the year.
I have set myself some personal constraints - to first use what I already have - fabric scraps, beads, embroidery thread etc, incorporate found objects and recycle things, try out new techniques so that I create a collage like effect.

So here's what I've been upto.

Ok, the base for my work is cotton greige fabric, it used to be a laundry bag.I'm hoping to use it as the base for all the "pages"of my Take It Further Book.R's trips to Mumbai every alternate week will keep me well supplied with laundry bags.
The two pages I've outlined with running stitch on the right and the page on the left has a pale violet cross stitched border.

The J ( my mother's name) has been embroidered on a piece of fabric which I dyed with tea. Tea is and has been an intergral part of our lives forever and certainly an important part of my mother's life.

The bits of green are sea glass which I picked up on the beach in Goa. It symbolises my mother's love for gems & jewellery and her fantastic sense of style.
The Better Homes & Gardens Big Book of Alphabets and Borders was a lucky find at Blossom Bookshop and the floral initial is from it, I suspect its going to be used a great deal all through this challenge.Beside the book are some tussar silk pieces which I was given by a friend who makes beautiful clothes. I haven't done much crazy quilting so the tussar silk will be used to explore the technique on the left hand page for january.
So take a look and let me know what you think. Hope to show incredible progress next week!!!


Val said...

It's so interesting to see the different ways in which the challenge is being executed. I like your idea of the little book. It will be fun to see it evolve.

P.D. Crumbaker said...

What a great idea, and what a lovely start.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thanks for visiting Valerie.The whole world of blogs & challenges has created a great platform for interaction. I'm loving it!

Jane Carlstrom said...

Book idea is grand, great beginning.

Anonymous said...

Embellisher, what a nice blend of creative (tea!) juices!! Waiting to see how it shapes up. And happy to see other comments too.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thank you Glorious Hats so nice of you to drop by.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Pumpernickel,wassup? I'll have to show Jolly when I see her.

Anonymous said...

I do like your idea of making a book. I think it is going to be lovely!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thank- you Kay Susan.The book will be a challenge too because its going to be the first fabric book I create.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thank- you Kay Susan.The book will be a challenge too because its going to be the first fabric book I create.
