I think I'm done with our little trip to the Nilgiris and can get on with reporting what I've been upto this week one of which is the
Take it Further Challege for May.
The challenge is to visualise and represent how you describe youreself as an artist.
Now that's a difficult proposition.
When asked what I do my response is I'm a textile designer because that's what I qualified as.
This usually baffles a number of people and those who don't want to appear "duh!" will then ask what type of clothes I make to which I'll have to say I don't make garments or know how to sew on a sewing machine for that matter but I do know how to weave and print. Very few and usually the ones who are genuinely interested will carry on the conversation at this point.
I don't think any one term fits or describes my artistic endevours because a number of caps fit - artist, craftsperson, teacher, craft consultant and textile designer.I think the list could be endless if I can come up with variations, permutations and combinations of this list because all these areas of interest and specialisation overlap and the edges blur to become my skills, interests and areas of work.
So this month I"m going to create a collage of pieces created using the different techniques I know and use.The colour palette is a change and I'll try and stay true to it but like previous months I might stray a bit. After all if I'm describing what type of artist I am it would mean brighter and deeper tones, more Indian if you can know what I mean - refer the new look of my blog :0)
No post is really complete without a visual I think ,so here's one of the pages for Jan, Feb, Mar and April stitched together. The book I intend these challenge pages to become is slowly taking shape.

I've ironed on fusing on the backs of the pages and clear sugar beads embellish the edges of the pages. The pages stitched together form little pockets and I was wondering if I should put in a layer of sponge or not. What say?

Its elections this weekend in Bangalore. Hope everyone has a great weekend.