Friday, March 14

February TIF Finished Finally!

The title of the post makes the Feb TIF seem to appear to have been a chore, but that's not the case. I was swamped with making 60 sketches and preparing for the Lambani embroidery workshop and I simply didn't get time to sit down and embroider.

The workshop got over on Wednesday and I got my chance to finish the pages for February.

Click on the image to get a closer look at the details.


Anonymous said...

Just found your fascinating blog! Thanks for coming by mine and leaving a comment.
Thought provoking TIF challenge piece, nice work.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Hello Kay Susan,Thank-you for coming by.

Jane said...

Alot of stitching details in this piece, I love it. Enjoyed looking at your embroidered remembrances. Your use of the color scheme is well done. Thanks for sharing!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thank-you for leaving a comment Jane.The TIF challenge is really channeling my work and thoughts into intersting outcomes. I'm surprised myself from time to time.

pRiyA said...

good heavens! this is such an unusual illustration of a concept.
can't wait to see what you come up with next.

allie aller said...

Fascinating! This is so contemporary, yet rooted in deep tradition. Your lettering stitching is superb, too...

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Hi Priya, Thank-you that's a compliment from an illustrator who takes an unusual approach herself.

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thanks Allison, if you see the contemporary and traditional co-exisitng together in this piece then I've done a good job - achieved what I set out to do.The lettering stitching is thanks to a book I bought at the beginning of the year,a favourite of mine.
