Wednesday, December 31

Wishing you Layers of Flavours in 2015

My first attempt at found poetry - newspaper blackout.

Layers of Flavours

Essential in our lives.
The very foundations of life itself.
Pleasure, enjoyment, experience, flavour, taste......
Really living.
Richness of experience that makes you feel alive;
allows your senses to be stimulated.
The biggest enemy is blandness.
The last thing you really want.
Avoid anything bland, one-dimensional, dull and boring.
What you really want is complexity.
What makes it good?
Layers of Flavours.
A tapestry woven together, specifically designed to take you on a journey,
give you an experience and the key is balance.
The skill of the creator.
The reason we celebrate artists.
It takes a real master to create unique, signature expressions.

I wish all the readers of this blog layers of flavours in 2015. I hope your experiences are multi dimensional and take you on a journey which allow your senses to be stimulated.
I hope you achieve balance and mastery over your chosen craft which will enable you to create unique signature expressions.
2015 promises 365 opportunities I hope you recognise them and are richer from the experience.Wishing each of you good health and happiness in the coming days.  


Sharmon Davidson said...

Love your "found poem", and wishing you many layers of complex flavors for the new year!

Margaret said...

An interesting and novel technique! Thanks for sharing the idea. All the best for 2015!

Maya Sara Matthew said...

Thank you Sharmon and Margaret for your comments. happy new year. Let the magic begin.

Caterina Giglio said...

brilliant and happy new year to you too!! x

Jennifer said...

A found poem. Brilliant! Such a wish to treasure and foster for 2015.

Saw your comment on my blog this morning. If you'll email me your address, I'll be happy to send along a copy of the magazine. Just happened to order a few extras.

Wishing you and your loved ones a delightful and creative year.
