Sue tagged me to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop.
Here goes, let me plunge in and try and answer the four questions this blog hop poses to its participants
1.How does my writing/creating process, work?
2.. What am I working on?
3. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
4. Why do I write/create what I do?
At present I'm working on this silk cotton scarf. Free form discharge motifs outlined with blanket stitch. Its a work in progress. For the moment I'm calling it Weathering.How does my work differ from others of this genre? What genre would that be - scarves or the embroidery? I like to think it's a personal signature of mine, this combining of discharge and blanket stitch. I've used this technique before on scarves I've made. Go with the Flow and Lichen are some examples.
Why do I write/create what I do?
Embroidery has become my primary form of expression and therefore if there's something I want to express it's embroidery I turn to. I'm still learning and exploring and the experiments are helping me develop a style of my own.
My blog and the interaction it provides with people all over the world is also an important reason why I continue to do what I do.
How does my writing/creating process, work?
The process I follow is intuitive. There are periods when a piece of work is put aside to marinate before it is picked up and worked on. One such WIP is this patchwork project which i'm going to pick up again and work on very soon.
The blog hop asks of its participants to pass on the baton to keep the hop going. I'm going to direct you to the blogs of two people who's work I find inspiring.
Sharmond in Kentucky who creates great mixed media collages.Some of them have embroidery as well and Gwen in New Brunswick who creates jewellery, makes the most amazing quilts and she and her partner renovate and build houses too.
They should post about the blog hop on their blogs on the 29th of September.
If you would like to participate in the blog hop and you haven't been invited as yet please consider this as my personal invitation. Leave a comment on this post and I'll get back to you with the rules.
Have a great week.