It's turned cool and cloudy and everyday holds the promise of a thunder shower late in the evening and its found its way into Splash.

Splash is a small square cotton silk scarf the sort you knot at the neck or wear as a head scarf. Bleach helped create the splotchy effect and running stitch which covers almost the entire surface provides texture.

The process of creating Splash got me thinking. Getting up, getting dressed and showing up has been the mantra R and I have followed for the past year. Clouds promising rain gather on the horizon and then melt away..... like Splash which was not planned but evolved I'm hoping both our actions and choices are in preparation for the splash in our life which will be monumental. I just need the grace to live in the moment until then and I can't wait to look back and see the pattern and texture which we created which enriched us and got us to the next level.
As for the future, your task is not to predict it, but to enable it ........ Antoine de Saint- Exupery.
Discovering a little line like this is so inspiring. Which is the quote which inspires you?