Happy to report I'm more 'green' now. Our apartment block has got into composting all kitchen waste and I've joined the programme.
Never before have I travelled to one place so often. Kerala - I made at least six trips for ten to fifteen days each time. My Malayalam has improved. I cut a jackfruit for the first time and I've added to my collection of traditional cookware and now cook fish curry in an earthenware vessel meant for just that.
In August I began selling my scarves and stoles under the MAYA label at Plantation House and the response has been fantastic. Motivation enough to keep going and push the boundaries. I'm excited to work with pashmina in the new year, rust dyeing has been explored just a teeny bit and I see myself doing more of it in the coming year.

I was thrilled to be the winner of a giveaway on Bird Nest on the Ground - my first ever and I was pleasantly surprised to see in my mail this morning that I was the winner of another - a fantastic way to end the year wouldn't you say.
My blog archive tells me I've been blogging for three years now!!! Its a wonderful experience which I continue to enjoy and I watch with amazement how the followers of this blog has grown to the present 176. Thank you for your support and the comments. I hope there will be more reasons to connect with more of you personally in the new year.
Wishing all of you an exhilarating new year where you push the boundaries and scale new heights in all your endeavours and enjoy in abundance good health, happiness and wealth. Cheers!
Tideline will be available at Plantation House early in 2011.