Tuesday, July 29
Something to Crow about
Extremely thrilled to be recognised for my "KICKASS"creativity.Thank-you Vineeta for turning the spotlight on me. Shall unashamedly wallow in all the publicity & glory Vineeta's post is going to generate, modesty be damned!!! Bring it on.(All the bragging is the small bar of Toblerone speaking)
Monday, July 28

I've begun work on a series of scarves for a show in the middle of November with Plantation House. Quite excited and I have new ideas to try out.My scarves are all one of a kind and entirely made and finished by hand ( my hands I might add). Currently working on a scarf called Pond. My signature stitch is running stitch which is being worked on cotton silk fabric. Pond is more of a dupatta or a stole. Two and a half metres long and twenty two inches wide. There are circles of running stitch scattered at random along the length of the stole in dull pink ( water lilies), dark brown (dried leaves), green ( lily pads) and blue ( sky reflected in the water)

I have two done, this is the third and about fifteen more to go. I'm considering making two to three sarees this time, would like to see what the response will be. The saree is forty four inches wide and five and a half metres long. It will be a new format and layout I'll be working with.
Thursday, July 24
July TIF completed

Wednesday, July 23

Friday, July 18
TAST - Algerian Eye Stitch

Thursday, July 17

courtsey wikipedia
The discovery of wonderful yummy trays of Baklava in Star Bazaar, straight after a Lebanese movie. Who arranged for that to happen? Star bazaar kept us enthralled for two hours or was it three, R can't figure out what could have kept us there for so long, he asked twice if I had actually spent that long..... men they just don't get it.The joys of trawling the mall or hypermarket.
Priya, the good news is that Goodbye Bafana is releasing tomorrow at PVR and this one is based on the memoirs of Nelson Mandela's prison guard.It should be on for two weeks which is so well timed for another Red Book exchange ( what a fantastic deadline to work towards and I seriously think we need that sort of positive motivation) besides we need to discuss threadbare our next project with the continued exploration of PIN - 560 034.
The muffins were awesome, more power to the baking bug that's bitten you Priya.
Happy Birthday Priya. ( This is another person.Every other girl born during the 70's and 80's was named Priya. Lets see, I must know atleast 7 Priya's) Flying east and crossing the International Date Line means she arrives in San Fransisco on 17th morning to celebrate her birthday all over again - how cool is that!!!
Tomorrow I'll have my explorations of Algerian Eye Stitch to share with you.
Friday, July 11
TAST - Chevron stitch

Have a great weekend.R will be home this weekend after being at work for the past four weekends!!! the only good thing was I got to watch all the programmes I'd made a note of and wanted to see on BBC. So there's going to be a lot of catching up with pending chores this weekend. Can't believe I'm looking forward to the mundane but next weekend will be a happening one.
Thursday, July 10
An award and a meme

The rules for receiving this award are:1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. 2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links of those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated.
My nominations for Brilliante Weblog Premio -2008 are ......
On then to the meme.
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
That would make it 1998. I was visiting faculty teaching textile and design courses at NIFT, started embroidering one of a kind scarves and stoles without a clue of how to sell them. It was also the beginning of sorts of my association with the development and NGO sector - I did two projects that year one a design intervention project in Kasuti embroidery for the economic empowerment of women in Karnataka and the second was an enterprise resource development project creating products out of Sisal fibre also for women in rural Karnataka.
2.Five things on my to do list today.
Tag seven people for the Brilliante Weblog award and notify them.
Follow up on the repair of the washing machine the service guys have already been over three times!!!and the problem has not been fixed, heaps of laundry to do.
Mark points on the wall where I want nails so I can finally put up illustrations and photographs which deserve to be viewed at eye level rather than propped up against the wall at floor level.Hopefully get someone to put in the nails as well.
Grind up the rice and lentils left to soak over night and make the batter for adai.We will be having adai for dinner tonight.
Work on the pages of the Little Red Book which has been neglected of late.
3.Snacks that I enjoy
Tea and Marie biscuits to dunk in the tea
All sorts of Chaat
4.Things I would do if I were a billionaire
Give to charity
5.Places I have lived
Assam, Cochin,Ooty,Coonoor,Madras,Calcutta,Ahmedabad,Coimbatore,
Bangalore,New York
Ok got to go and get most of what is on the to do list done. Nails, laundry, red book......
Wednesday, July 9
July TIF

Friday, July 4
TAST - Cretan Stitch

Have to begin work on the TIF for July.
Have a good weekend, and all of you in the USA - Happy 4th of July, enjoy the long weekend.