I've been struggling to give visual form to what I remember and this is what I've come up with.
If possible I want a little element from the previous page/month to occur on the next page/month so the feather stitch is the element which connects January and February.
The spiral form of the blue tussar applique symbolises change and the particular triangular form is typical of traditional Gujarati and Lambani embroidery. Ancient yet modern.
Next I appliqued a second spiral to symbolise the co-existence of ancient/traditional and modern side by side. So although dishwashers are available in the market everybody doesn't have one its more likely you have household help who does the washing up. Therefore a dishwasher is seen as a luxury whereas domestic help is not.
We don't really think about it ( until there's a challenge) because that's the way it is but I think it must be a startling fact for somebody visiting India.
Allison Ann Aller's comment on my first post about the February TIF has a fantastic example "Well this is very interesting to me. I love India and did get to visit once, for a month in 2001 to the Kumbha Mela in Allahabad. We went to Varanasi, too. I remember seeing a parade of camels passing under a billboard for high speed internet as we were traveling along the Trunk Road...thinking, what change this country embodies!"

Finally I'm going to embroider little lines which describe the traditional and the modern which co- exist quite happily. The first one is of Filter coffee a tradional staple in South India cafes like Sukh Sagar where there's just one type of coffee on the menu - filter coffee served in a
davarah and tumbler and Cafe Coffee Day is a modern Indian coffee chain much like Starbucks which has an extensive menu of lattes, frappes and cappuccinos.